Learning to live with Celiac Disease one day at a time

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Falling off the wagon hurts!

Almost two months now and I've been feeling pretty good.  Until Tuesday.  Having avoided gluten in all foods, mostly avoiding dairy, I think I was getting a little cocky with how good I've been feeling.  I've been able to exercise quite regularly, and last week I played sports for over an hour without feeling like a wet noodle when finished.  That's something I haven't been able to do for a long time!

I spent last Tuesday editing a large project, and sat in one spot for long periods of time.  Other than the obvious, what else does one do while working??  Eat, of course.  I worked through the typical list:  fruit, chips, gluten-free cookies, juice, more cookies, water, nuts and dried fruit.  Boring...I needed chocolate.  Not the permitted 70% almost dairy-free cacao bar, but something a little more...seductive.  After a long, computer-glazed stare into the fridge, a chocolate bar jumped out at me.  I've always told my 15 year old son that food DOESN'T do that when you stand with the fridge door open, but I take that back.  This Skor bar swacked me in the face on its way out.  There's a bruise above my eyebrow to prove it.

I ate the Skor bar.  I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would, but that's probably because I scarfed it down like, say, a teenage boy--in 3 bites.  Seriously.  Usually I let it melt a little on my tongue but it had been so long!

Dumb idea.

As used to happen, the pain started just before dinner, and like I used to hope, I ate food thinking maybe it would settle the chaos.  Didn't happen.  I made another big mistake: I left the comfort of my home and headed to the movies.

There's no need to describe the pain, but I do need to admit that I realize I was really, really dumb.

I have a good friend who is a nurse, and she warned me from the beginning that it was going to be hard to go cold-turkey.  In response to her advice, I began filling my cupboards with any and all sorts of gluten-free/dairy-free goodies.  Really, I've purchased everything in Jakarta that I could find labeled "gluten-free."  Some of it's good, some of it led me on the evil path to the Skor chocolate bar.

Lesson learned:  I might need chocolate, but I need to be healthy more.  Life is too short to compromise an evening with my husband and some friends because of a craving.  I've got to keep reminding myself that it's all about the big picture, not about the here and now.

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