Learning to live with Celiac Disease one day at a time

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Road Trip

Today was day 1 of our Alberta bound road trip and it's been perfect.   My husband strategically packed our luggage into the van around the cooler, GF food tote, and his golf clubs, we threw a bunch of blankets and fluffy pillows on top, and headed east towards the Rockie Mountains.  Our first stop was with our family (4 cousins, 1 aunt, 1 uncle, and 2 grandparents) to a Rod and Gun Club, where it was an open house for kids.  After shooting a rifle each, we said our goodbyes (no pistols this time, kids...the road was calling!) to our family and headed to the grocery store.  There we stocked up on non-GF foods and snacks (I'd already stocked my food) and then drove off.  British Columbia is truly beautiful and I'm soaking in all the scenery and smells that I can.  Later, I will close my eyes and think on this beauty when I'm missing home back in Indonesia.

I was a little concerned about eating on the road, but rather than being hungry, I think the biggest problem I'll have is how to STOP eating.  I have an abundance of favourite snacks like ju jubes, Glutino lemon cookies, fruit, chocolate, salt & vinegar chips, Hawkins Cheezies, water and juice.  Of course, these snacks will be stretched out over the road trip (at least the first 3 days!) and then I'll have to find other goodies on the trip home.  Not sure where I'll look because I have found that the stores I had expected would provide a good variety of GF foods do not, but I must say, I was very impressed with London Drugs' selection.  I'd highly recommend a visit to this store if you're looking for GF crackers/cookies/snacks at a decent price.

I'm not sure what we'll do for breakfast tomorrow, but the Mexican place we went to dinner at here in Salmon Arm, BC was very accommodating to my Celiac needs.  After explaining my needs, we came to the conclusion that really, all I could eat was the shrimp salad with no dressing, but it was delicious and I walked away feeling like I ate a nutritious, filling meal.  Maybe tomorrow I'll be eating my Natures Path maple cereal with rice milk while my family eats a hearty greasy-spoon breakfast, but I don't mind.  I've got my other snacks to get me through the Rockies:)

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