Learning to live with Celiac Disease one day at a time

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Two Weeks into Canada

It's been almost 2 weeks and although time is flying by, we're really enjoying our trip home to Canada.   Like I said in the previous post, gluten-free/dairy-free food is in abundance here and I've taken full advantage.  The first thing my husband said to me this morning was "hello my Butterball," which is a really good sign that the 3-4 lbs I've gained are starting to show.  I'm curious what name he'll choose at the end of our 6 weeks when my foodfest is over and we head back to Indonesia.

In the beginning, I think I might have overdone it.  The day before we headed to Vancouver Island to my parents' house, and the eve of my 41st birthday, I got the sickest I've been since my diagnosis in January.  I don't know which upset me more, the way my body was acting or the fact that I might have to postpone our trip for a day or so.  Thankfully, the next morning I was feeling about 75% better and well enough for a ferry ride and lonely highway drive to my parents.  I'm not sure whether it was gluten, dairy, a combination (although I was being so careful!), or whether it was just traveling and the bugs we often confront just taking its toll on my travel weary body.  Regardless, it passed quickly and I've been feeling great (although a little sleepy) since.

Here's the dilemma of being Celiac:  when ill and tired, do you blame the disease or circumstance, ie/ travel, bad food, bad air, jet lag?  I wonder if I'll ever figure that one out.  It's becoming apparent that whatever life throws at me, I have to take it each day and tackle the issue at hand, using wisdom and intellect and lots of prayer to get me through.  Sometimes before I go to buy something I ask God, "is this ok?"  and I go with what I think He's telling me.  I figure if I can't count on Him to help me sort this out, who can I count on?

My wheatless hot cereal is just finishing boiling on the stove, and it's time to go and eat breakfast.  We're actually taking out our 3 nieces and 1 nephew to breakfast, and I need to fill up before we go to the restaurant just in case all I can find to eat is a cup of tea and a fruit platter.

Thanks for reading.

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