Learning to live with Celiac Disease one day at a time

Sunday, May 29, 2011

2000 Calorie Daily Intake

The other day I was at a social event and a friend tapped me on the shoulder. "You're too skinny. You need to stop," she said to me.  My response, "I'm trying."

I seriously am trying.  The other day my husband Tris looked up how many calories I should be eating per day, based on my height and my ideal weight (according to my ideals), and I should be eating 2000 calories.  Sounds easy, right?  If you can eat fast food, you can cover 1500 calories in a basic meal alone.  If you want healthy, and for me, gluten-free, it's a bit more of a challenge.  Check out this YouTube clip of what one fitness trainer figures 2000 calories looks like (click here).

Regardless of whether you watch the clip or not, it's a lot of food.  I figure if I pace myself and fill the gaps in with snacks and a morning protein shake, I can hit the 2000 calorie goal by the end of the day.  Needless to say, I've got a self-appointed calorie counter who loves me very much and is watching what I eat AND what I don't eat ("Have you had breakfast yet??").

After my friend said that to me, I thought about what others must see.  I exercise very regularly and it probably looks like I'm heading for a specific weight goal.  Little does the outsider know that it's weight gain, not loss!  Being Osteopenic gives me a drive to increase my bone density, which is done not only through eating calcium/magnesium rich foods and taking supplements, but also by exercising regularly.  Knowing what I know, I avoid "crash"sports now, the ones where I'm likely to be physically smashed into, at least until I can get some more medical advice on what my bones can take.  I also try to fit in "impact" sports like tennis, running (which I substitute for skipping in private!), resistance weights, lunges and squats.  By doing this, I increase my need for calories even more.  It ends up being a bit of an endless circle and one that overwhelms me now and then.

At least now my body is absorbing nutrients now.  I no longer need a daily nap, although I sure can sleep a good hour on the weekends!!, my hair and skin are looking healthy, and I'm not losing any more weight.  Like I said, I'm trying.

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